Thursday, November 28, 2019

Alamo Essays - Davy Crockett, English-language Films,

Alamo THE ALAMO In San Antonio in early 1836, 6,000 Mexicans marched to The Alamo to fight a groups of Texas of 187 strong, They were led by Colonel William B. Travis. During 10 days of fighting, the Mexicans climbed over the walls of The Alamo., to defeat the Texans they killed a woman . her baby, and a slave were killed. Among the dead were frontiersmen Davy Crockett and the Bowie brothers. Following, is a description of how the Alamo fell. On February 24, 1836 Colonel Travis wrote a letter requesting aid in his own handwriting to all the people of Texas and all Americans. It was carried to Gonzales by Captain Albert Martin, It was first delivered upon his arrival on the Feb 25th to Smithers. Who then carried it on the San Felipe on the Feb. 27th. His letter explained the difficulty him and his men were having defending The Alamo against Santa Anna and his men. At the end of the letter he explains that if they do not receive aid, then they will fight till VICTORY OR DEATH. He also explains that, to this point, no men has lost his life. Following is an exact replica of his writing. COLONEL TRAVIS LETTER: Commandancy of the AlamoBexar, Fby. 24th, 1836 To the People of Texas and All Americans in the World Fellow Citzens & Compatriots---I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna---I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man---The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion , otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken---I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls---I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism, & everything dear to the American character, to come are tour aid, with all dispatch---The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four of five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country. VICTORY OR DEATH William Barret Travis Lt. Col. Combt. P.S. The Lord is on our side---When the enemy appeared in sight we had not three bushels of corn---We have since found in deserted houses 80 or 90 bushels On the back of the letter, Capt. Martin penciled in Since the above was written I heard a very heavy Cannonade during the whole day think there must have been an attack made upon the Alamo. We were short of ammunition when I left. Hurry all the men you can in haste. Albert Martin (signed). When I left there was but 150 At dawn, March 1,1836, Capt. Albert Martin, with 32 men (himself included) from Gonzales and DeWitts Colony, passed the lines of Santa Anna and entered the walls of The Alamo. These men, chiefly husbands and fathers owning their own homes. Voluntarily organized and passed through the lines of an enemy four to six thousand strong, to join 150 of their countrymen and neighbors, in a fortress doomed to destruction. Following. is an exact replica of the response to Colonel Travis letter: GONZALES RANGERS RESPOND. Two appeals to Col. Fannin at Goliad had resulted in an aborted start toward San Antonio with his force of 350men when Fannin heard of the approach of Gen. Urreas army. Responding to Col. Travis appeals, the main contingent of the Gonzales Alamo Relief Force departed the town Square of Gonzales at 2 PM Saturday 27 Feb, led by commanding officer Lieutenant George c. Kimball of the Gonzales Rangers. The senior officer accompanying the relief force was courier Capt. Albert Martin who had delivered the appeal to both Smithers and Gonzales. The force was

Monday, November 25, 2019

101 Peer Review and Intros Professor Ramos Blog

101 Peer Review and Intros In-Text Citation Quick Write Who is your audience? Who are you trying to convince with your argument? Who has the power to implement your solution? In-Text Citation Also called parenthetical citations. One Author: (Ramos 1) Two Authors: (Smith and Ramos 2) Three or more Authors: (Ramos et al. 2) Elevator Pitch An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you are speaking or writing about. Imagine you have one minute to present yourself and your ideas to someone who can implement your solution or make a change. What would you say in that one minute elevator ride to convince this person that your ideas are worthy of attention. You have ten floors to make a compelling case. Take a few minutes to figure out how to make your proposal professional, succinct, and interesting. Then, write it down. Introductions Writing Effective Introductions Introductions are very important. The link above has some great examples and explanations for writing introductions. Much like an elevator pitch, an introduction has to make a good impression, grab your reader’s interest, and make them want to keep reading. Take the elevator pitch you just wrote and figure out how to work it into your introduction. The elevator pitch can work as the intro, or add to your intro, to make a case for reading the rest of the essay. Using Rhetoric Notes Ethos Research Unbiased Pathos Emotional Storytelling So What? Logos Logical History Facts Statistics Evidence Authority/Pros Background Include the Conversation Peer Review . Argument –  a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. Remember, an argument uses reasons and evidence to persuade. Have you provided enough reasons and evidence to convince us of your position? Keep these things in mind. Peer edit the same way you revise your own work. Be specific in identifying problems or opportunities. Offer suggestions for improvement. Praise what is genuinely good in the paper. Check for: Is the writer’s tone appropriate? Who is the audience? Looking at the essay as a whole, what is the thesis or main idea? Is each paragraph adequately developed? Are there sufficient details and/or   supporting quotations? For the Proposal, make sure you: Define the problem Recognize an audience Create, explain, and justify a plan of action. Persuade readers of the problem and proposed solution. Sample Problem Measles Outbreak in Madagascar Quick Write What is your plan of action for revising your essay? 101 Peer Review and Intros In-Text Citation Quick Write Who is your audience? Who are you trying to convince with your argument? Who has the power to implement your solution? In-Text Citation Also called parenthetical citations. One Author: (Ramos 1) Two Authors: (Smith and Ramos 2) Three or more Authors: (Ramos et al. 2) Elevator Pitch An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you are speaking or writing about. Imagine you have one minute to present yourself and your ideas to someone who can implement your solution or make a change. What would you say in that one minute elevator ride to convince this person that your ideas are worthy of attention. You have ten floors to make a compelling case. Take a few minutes to figure out how to make your proposal professional, succinct, and interesting. Then, write it down. Introductions Introductions are very important. Much like an elevator pitch, an introduction has to make a good impression, grab your reader’s interest, and make them want to keep reading. Take the elevator pitch you just wrote and figure out how to work it into your introduction. The elevator pitch can work as the intro, or add to your intro, to make a case for reading the rest of the essay. Using Rhetoric Notes Ethos Research Unbiased Pathos Emotional Storytelling So What? Logos Logical History Facts Statistics Evidence Authority/Pros Background Include the Conversation Peer Review . Argument –  a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. Remember, an argument uses reasons and evidence to persuade. Have you provided enough reasons and evidence to convince us of your position? Keep these things in mind. Peer edit the same way you revise your own work. Be specific in identifying problems or opportunities. Offer suggestions for improvement. Praise what is genuinely good in the paper. Check for: Is the writer’s tone appropriate? Who is the audience? Looking at the essay as a whole, what is the thesis or main idea? Is each paragraph adequately developed? Are there sufficient details and/or   supporting quotations? Quick Write What is your plan of action for revising your essay? Exam Review In small groups, come up with 3-4 lessons, readings, activities, etc. that helped you improve the most as a writer. Also, one reading that we should get rid of, if any. Questions to answer for exam review. What was the best lesson? What was the best reading? What was the hardest essay? What lesson helped you learn the most? What reading taught you something new? What was the worst lesson? What was the worst reading? What was the hardest reading? What was your favorite part of the class? What was your least favorite part of the class?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizational structure and culture of GE and Google Essay

Organizational structure and culture of GE and Google - Essay Example GE has been able to attract leaders with an extraordinary combination of attributes: passion, vision, and deep sensitivity to the huge issues that challenge the world around them. It is made up of employees who are self-driven to make a difference. When it comes to the kind of environment, GE is the best place to work in. it has a high-performance culture that particularly emphasizes high-integrity business practices as well as work balance. GE’s CEO says, â€Å"We believe a company can accomplish more even as it does well.† This belief drives GE’s organizational practice from the philanthropic efforts of its foundation to the millions of volunteer hours donated by the employees to community initiatives worldwide.It’s really the people that make it the kind of company it is. â€Å"We hire smart and determined people and we favor ability over experience,† said Google CEO. Although the people of Google share common goals and visions for the company, t hey hail from all walks of life and speak a number of languages, reflecting the global audience that they serve. Google pursues interests ranging from beekeeping to recycling, from foxtrot to Frisbee, when not at work. Google strives to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. Google’s offices and cafes are designed to motivate and encourage interactions between Google members across and within teams and to spark conversation about play as well as work.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business, government and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Business, government and society - Essay Example In the global context, the use of genetically modified crops has increased tremendously since its first commercial plantings in the late 1990s. By the end of 2012, the study has shown that around 12% of the world’s arable is being used for growing genetically modified crops (Baker and Burnham, 2001). The US government has even embraced the use of biotechnology for the purpose of developing a food system as the ‘silver bullet’. The global population has already crossed 6 billion and experts predict that the figure will actually double in the next 50 years. Therefore ensuring an adequate food supply is the foremost activity and is probably going to become one of the global challenges. As a result of that it is not only adjudged as the way to help farmers earn handsome profit, but at the same time this is the only feasible way to feed the growing global population. However, despite of its growing importance and high acceptance the industry is characterized by immense turbulence. According to a number of publications, genetically modified foods negatively impacts human body and hence can be a reason for various diseases. Echoing the same another set of scholars has highlighted in the fact that genetically modified foods hardly have any nutritional value and therefore has minimal ability to proffer the required nutritional benefits. Ironically, few authors claim that the significance of genetically modified food in the nutritional health of a human being is subject of debate. According to them, genetically modified foods are contemporary and so new that drawing a conclusion about how it actually impacts the human body is not possible (Caswell and Mojduszka, 1996). One of the evident negative factors from the business context is that the process is expensive and thus farmers or the end consumers often need to pay much higher prices (Christensen, 2003). Inadequate knowledge and awareness among the farmers is also a cause of concern for the growth o f this industry. Therefore from an overall discussion and analysis of the facts, it seems that with proper management, proper treatment of seeds, adequate investment and support from the government of respective countries, the genetically modified food industry could well stand out as one of the most vibrant industries of the world and can act as a solution for the future towards managing the food demand (Moore, 2001). This report seeks to throw light on the emergence and development of this industry in relationship with technological

Monday, November 18, 2019

NAEYC article assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NAEYC article assignment - Essay Example The United States is a diverse country and an early education centre is likely to have many children with different linguistic backgrounds. The inability of early child educators to speak all the home languages of children makes it difficult to preserve those languages. The lack of programs focusing on instilling early educators with relevant languages makes it impossible for the teachers to respond appropriately to the call of preserving home languages of children. The design of early education program still makes it a huge challenge for early educators to meet the needs of children and families in terms of linguistic and cultural diversity. Early childhood programs are basically designed with the main language as English, which does not reflect the diverse nature of the American population. The implementation of the NAEYC recommendations requires complete dedication of the early childhood educator. As such I will actively engage with parents and strive to gain knowledge about all the children in order to ensure that each child is served better. I will ensure coherent working relationship with parents in order to ensure that I provide quality care and education for every child under my

Friday, November 15, 2019

Exercise Through Dance

Exercise Through Dance Dance is another form of exercising which require you to use most of your body muscle. Dancing has come around for along time. Dancing is a part of ancient ritual and is pair with music. People dancing with music, without music dancing is not complete. In Egypt, dancing before god is a vital elements in the temple ritual. Beside for ritual, dance is another form of entertainments for this people even in other countries. Dancing is a type of exercise and therefore dancing has huge benefits to the person who practice it regularly. Certain people think that exercise look boring, but not dancing. Because dancing is play with music, therefore people who dancing will having fun and at the same time can perform an exercise. When we perform dance, we doest not require any equipments as there is no suitable exercise machine for dancing. All you need is music to play along. With dancing, you can perfume it anywhere you want especially at home. By dance, you can stretch your body part and with dance, you can get the body shape that you always wanted and dancing also can reduce stress. With dancing, you can built up you stamina and also endurance, because dancing consists of many style of movements that for sure will build up your stamina. Dancing require balance, by dancing you can gain a better balance. Dancing is about having fun and at the same time staying active. By practicing dancing, you can look younger then your age by slowing down the aging process. It a fact that by practicing dance, the muscle exertion and breathing rates in just one dance is similar to those who practice cycling, swimming and Olympic 800 meter runner. People who practice dancing seldom having problems with joints and bones because dancing helps strengthen bones and dance also helps in treatments of osteoporosis, which is a major concern for female. Arthritis can be preventing by dancing, by make the joints lubricated. People who having problems with their weight can practice dancing as dancing can burn more calories and increase the circulation of blood. Dancing can burn 5 to 10 calories per minutes as estimated. Ballroom, Latin, Mambo and Salsa dancer can burn 264 calories per hour base on 100 lb. Fast, Ballet, and Twist dancer could burn 288 calories per hour base on 100 lb. Slow, Waltz, Foxtrot dancer could burn up to 144 calories per hour base on 100 lb. people wi th diabetics can lower the sugar lever by practicing dance and dance is also good for lipid control which raises the HDL (good cholesterol) and lower the LDL (bad cholesterol). Dancing can help improve memory by memories each and every steps that has in each dances. People that practice dance will feel happy and less stress. Dancing can enhance heart and lungs condition, increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness. People with weigh problem will see the different in their weight after awhile of practicing dancing, agility and flexibility will be increased. By dance, a person can improve their social skills by dance in a group of people with different ages, genders and status. Dancing for female can increase her muscle tone and coordination and ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s perfect for toning without building up muscle tone. Beside benefits the body, dancing also built up the person confidence and the self-esteem and by dancing, the person could boost up their confidences. Dancing also improve a person mood by produce more endorphins or also known as feel good chemicals. Dancing has many types and style, dancing is different in style for different culture, society and music. Some of the famous dance is Hip Hop, Belly dance, Salsa dance, Ballroom dance, Tap dance, Bhangra dance, Break dance, Line dance, Jazz dance, Ballet dance, Modern dance, Swing dance, Contra dance, Country and Western Dance. Bhangra dance originate from India. This Bhangra dance is actually a euphoric harvest dance from Punjab. Bhangra dance will be practice with energetic singing and drum beating. Stomping feet, shoulder-shrugging, hand-clapping, swinging arms are the traditional Bhangra dance that now has been modernized. The modern Bhangra dance has been included with aerobic moves, hip hop and salsa. Bhangra aerobic dance is another form of exercise that can help in maintaining our body. Bhangra dance involve continuous and rhythmic body movements that can raise the heart rate and also strengthen the lungs. Major muscle in the body will be work out when perform Bhangra dance. Bhangra dance is good in circulating blood full of oxygen to other part of the body and remove carbon dioxide, as well as other wastes. When perform Bhangra dance, the person will be dancing with the music and the person require more oxygen in the body, this is where the heart rate increase to keep up with the tempo. When done B hangra dance regularly, the heart will grow stronger and can keep up with muscles demand with only a little effort. Diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and heart disease can be avoided, plus Bhangra dance can lower the blood pressure and helps maintain weights by burn 500 calories in 45 minutes. Hip hop dance is one of the modern dance that can express the dancer creativeness; people who perform Hip hop will build self impressions. Hip hop music will be play to match with the body movements of the dancer. Hip hop consist of breaking, popping, and also rotations in the movements which is combined into one unique, creative dance style. Hip hop dance improve the person flexibility, develop body balance and also to coordinate the muscles to improve their style and maintain their body shape. Hip hop is different with Jazz, Ballet, or any other traditional dance which is technical and has a term for each movement. Hip hop has more freedom in dancing. Dance aerobic is an exercise that combines the elegant dance movements with aerobic rhythmic steps. Dance aerobic can be divided into four types which are high-impact exercises, low-impact exercises, step aerobic and lastly are water aerobics. High impact exercises involve powerful jumping actions that are matched with the rhythmic beats of the music being played. Low impact exercise involves more footwork and less jumping action. Step aerobic is perform in a raised platform and water aerobic is done in waist-deep water. Dance aerobic help in weight managements as well as builds your body, and help in cardiovascular muscle. Dance aerobic is a good medicine for depression, anxiety and also tension, while reducing the stress. Dance aerobics is a good exercise to boost up your immune system. Salsa dance can burn more calories per hour than riding a bike or swimming. Salsa dance is a very unique form of exercise. Salsa dance give a healthy heart by relieves stress, remove toxins via sweating and can lower the blood pressure and improve cholesterol level. Belly dancing, also known as Raks Sharki or Middle Eastern dance. The attractive hip drops, rolls, and pivots of Belly dance make use of muscle group in the abdomen, pelvis, trunk, spine, and also neck to operate with the body instead of against it. When a Belly dancer perform the dance, she will use her quadriceps, hamstrings and also glute just to hold her steady while she perform hip movements. The impact on her knees and ankles are at a minimal even when she gets a lower-body workout because the impact is on how much stress is placed on our joint and not how hard the feet strike the ground. Torso will be use more often in Belly dance compare toward Ballet, Modern, or Tap dance. This movement working together with shoulder movement will exercise the back muscle evenly. A strong back muscles can prevents back injuries and also promote good posture. Belly dance can ease the stress to the back; neutralize almost constant compression of the disks that occurs from sitting and an inacti ve lifestyle. Belly dance is an excellent prenatal exercise that strengthens the muscles used during childbirth process. Ballroom dance improve cardiovascular system, increase in muscle tone. Ballroom dance also increases flexibility, strength, and balance. Ballroom dance also make the dancer more self-confidence and can express them self in dancing. Ballet dance is one of the hardest dance and wonderful form of art. Ballet involve a lot of various stretching and with regular stretching, the neck, back, arms, and legs will be very flexible and you can do things you never know you can do. Ballet also strengthens up your muscle. Ballet teaches the dancer how to balance him or herself. Ballet dance can restore the balance and body awareness that lost due to stress by doing lifting, twirling, leaping, and spinning style. Ballet dance also release endorphins into the brain and this is the time where dancer empty their mind and just relax and enjoy the music and movements. When you learn Ballet dance, he or her confidence level will increase by learn and master various Ballet dance moves. Ballet dance also improve memory by remembering each and every steps in Ballet dance. Dancing can burn calories but how much it burns depend on what kind of dance. Base on 150 pound person per hour calories burn: Swing dance burn 235 calories per hour, Ballroom dance burn 265 per hour, Square dance burn 280 calories per hour, Ballet dance burn 300 calories per hour, Belly dance burn 380 calories per hour, Salsa dance burn 420+ calories per hour, Aerobic dance burn 540+ calories per hour. Dance is a unique way of exercise because it provides the heart- healthy benefits of an exercise while engage in a social activity. A 21-year study published in New England Journal of Medicine even found that by dance, the risk of getting Alzheimerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s disease and other forms of disease. Dancing was the only physical activity that was associated with lower risk of dementia. Dancing may be a triple benefit for the brain, not only dancing increase the flow of the blood to the brain but also social aspect that leads to less stress, depression and loneliness . In additional, dancing required memorizing steps and working with a partner, in a way that both provide mental challenges that are crucial to the brain health. References Sarah Snyder. (Jan 25, 2010). The Health Benefits of Ballet Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from The Health Benefits of Ballet. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Barbara Craddock. (2006, Dec 04). Benefits of Dancing Quick Tips for Staying Healthy. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Hanu Nirukurti. (n.d). Bhangra Fitness: The Workout That Jives. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Caitlin Bronza. (2006, Nov 14). The Physical and Social Benefits of Belly Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Health benefits of Belly Dance. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from The Amazing Benefits of Salsa Dancing. (2008). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Sheri Waldrop. (n.d). The Health Benefits of Belly Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Angelique. (n.d). The Health of belly Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Dance Aerobics. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Benefits of Ballroom Dancing. (July 2007). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Benefits of Dance. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Legalization of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes :: Medical Marijuana Drugs Papers

The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes has become an increasingly controversial topic, with many different issues on which people have many different opinions. There is opposition to the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes because it has the potential to be used incorrectly, however it is also considered that there is the potential for marijuana to be used in relieving the suffering of many seriously ill patients. Marijuana has been used by people for thousands of years to provide relief from many different serious medical problems. There are many doctors who currently support the effectiveness of using marijuana as treatment for various medical conditions. The many people who are suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS have found that marijuana can be a very effective pain and symptom reliever. The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is viewed by its opposers as one of the worst things that we could do. Their reasons are that they feel that marijuana should not be legalized for medical use because it is an illegal substance and until that is changed, prescribing it is against the law. "Attorney General Janet Reno announced that physicians in any state who prescribe the drug could lose the privilege of writing prescriptions, be excluded from medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, and even be prosecuted for a federal crime" (Kassier 1). Government officials such as Janet Reno are not the only ones to object to the legalization of marijuana. Many parents groups like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers object to the legalization of marijuana for medical uses. Their objections come from a reasonable concern that there has been an increase in the use of marijuana by youth. Their concern is expanded since the marijuana of today is much more potent than the marijuana of a few decades ago. The potential for these teens to obtain the drug would increase. Also, the Federal Health and Drug enforcement officials feel that by le galizing marijuana, they would be sending the wrong message to young people ("Your Health" 1). Strong evidence that shows that regular use of marijuana for long periods of time could cause severe lung damage ("Your Health" 3). If the use of marijuana could damage a patient's lungs, then the risk could outweigh the benefit. Marijuana smoke can be twice as toxic as tobacco smoke to a human lung. The strongest point that many make opposing the legalization of marijuana is that there just is no clear evidence that smoking marijuana can help an individual who is ill ("Marijuana for the Sick" 2).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Boy Cry

In his telling novel, Real Boys, William S. Pollack spends much of the work making a strong social commentary on some of the issues and problems associated with growing up. For the author, growing up is something that has gotten more and more difficult over the years and certain problems must be handled by society. The book succinctly discusses the various roles that educators, parents, friends, and society plays in raising a child to be a man. It discusses what can be done on both an individual level and a parental level, while addressing how children respond to different motivations from the outside.The impressiveness of raising these important social questions is bested only by this book’s ability to answer those questions. The most important aspect of young male development to the author is the context in which a boy is raised. By this, it means that a boy in North America has a hard time coming to a firm understanding of both who he is and who he is supposed to become. Th e book talks at length about the many â€Å"codes† by which a boy is required to live in the United States. Instead of being able to find himself within the context of his life, a boy must adhere to a double set of social standards.In addition to adhering to new age principles, boys must do their best to uphold the long standing male tradition of being â€Å"tough† and being â€Å"manly†. As Pollack shows with his real life examples, this type of pressure does not allow a boy to realize the proper context. This is important because it eventually stunts development and, according to the author, can lead to some very serious consequences. Among those are drug use, violence, learning disabilities, and psychological disorders. The author makes the point to state some solutions for these problems, instead of focusing solely on the problems.That is one of the important and interesting aspects of the book. One of the solutions has to do with a likely source in a boyâ⠂¬â„¢s development. According to the author, parents have to play a pivotal role in a child’s development if that child is going to become a success in society. This is where the idea of parental gatekeeping comes into play. Parents must not only do what they can to raise a child financially and physically, but they must also make a commitment to raising the child’s psyche. This does not mean that parents are always supposed to be the child’s biggest fan, nor are they to be his biggest detractor.In order for a boy to eventually grow into a man, the parents have to be something of a middle man in this. They must let enough good in to encourage the boy in his development, while keeping him grounded enough to stay on the right track. This is a slippery slope, but one that parents must tread down if they want to raise a boy properly. Another neat thing in the book is that the author takes the time to not only address widespread developmental issues in regards to boy s, but also to address specific problems that stand in the way in today’s society.Among those are some touchy topics that most parents and all schools have trouble dealing with. Though it might seem like a small thing on the surface, the author makes sure to mention that one of the biggest developmental problems facing boys in American society is friendlessness. Though it is not something that affects all children, it has an impact on a significant number of individuals. As such, there are lots of boys who grow up through elementary and middle school without knowing what it is like to have a friend.This affects boys in a couple of different ways. For one, they struggle with confidence issues as all of the individuals around them thrive. In addition, they miss out on learning some of the important things that go along with friendship. They do not learn how to handle their emotions or work with other human beings to figure out interpersonal problems. These things might seem min or to some, but to the author, they are huge stumbling blocks that society has failed to take down. In the book, the author does not speak in pure generalities.Though he makes several general points that can be applied to boys across the board, his primary objective is to identify specific problems that have specific solutions. When addressing the problems of boys, he spends a great deal of time and energy breaking down the problems that exist in schools when it comes to development of boys. Above all of the other parties responsible for raising boys to be men, he feels that schools have the great influence and thus, are doing the worst job at this point. In the book, he mentions some specific ways that parents must feel that their kids are being wronged.In his book, Pollack makes mention of some of the questions that parents must ask when he writes (1999), â€Å"Do the school’s teachers and administrators know about the boy code? Do they understand the mask? Are they sympat hetic to boys? Does the school teach subject matters and use classroom materials that interest my boy? † (p. 231). The author goes on to discuss that the answer to these questions is, all too often, no. The author places a significant amount of focus on the job that teachers and administrators are doing within the schools.In addition to not being well equipped to handle the emotional rigors that boys go through during their developmental years, schools are having a hard time zeroing in on the academic problems that boys are facing. The author specifically mentions the subjects of reading and writing as weak areas for boys, and goes on to talk about how school administrators are not doing enough to catch these problems and work to improve them. Because schools are not noticing academic issues at the beginning, boys are being allowed to struggle their way through school.This is one of the primary reasons why boys struggle on the outside of school. With their self-esteem shot and their confidence destroyed by problems within school, they are forced to then face their own development in a world that is becoming tougher and tougher on people their age. Fundamental problems, according to the author, are causing even great consequences on the outside of schools. All in all, the book is an excellent commentary on the many problems that young men face in a changing world. Getting from boyhood to manhood used to be easy, but now it is more of a challenge.Unfortunately, the world has not accommodated for the extra challenge, so boys are expected to handle their issues with the greatest of ease and the greatest of strength. That, in effect, is the message of the book. According to Pollack, parents, teachers, school administrators, and society at large is failing the young male population in North America. Until more is done to correct the problem, more and more young boys will find drugs, violence, and a handful of other issues to fill their plate in lieu of their o verriding issues. References Pollack, W. (1999). Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood. Owl Books.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Geography Essay Sample Summer in Different Parts of the Globe

Geography Essay Sample Summer in Different Parts of the Globe Geography Essay Sample: Summer in Different Parts of the Globe If you are going to write a college paper, it’s a good idea to look at an example first. This will help you understand the structure of an essay and what needs to be included. Here is a geography essay sample for you to reference when you write your own geography masterpiece. Often, people think that summer is warm, and the sun is always shining. This is not always the case for summer varies in different places around the world. There is not one single definition of the season when it is looked at from a global standpoint. There is a handful of differences between each country’s summer season and what it looks like. If you live in the northern hemisphere, you know that summer occurs in June, July, and August. Those who live in the southern hemisphere experience summer in December, January, and February. Not every country has their summer season at the same time. This is one of the major differences between summers in different places around the world. Another variation in summer around the world is that some places get warmer and drier while others get warmer and wetter. Drier climates often go through droughts in the summertime, which cuts back on their crop production. Tropical areas are known to be more humid, which means that summer is the â€Å"wet season†. This is also the season where the most vegetation grows in tropical countries. Hong Kong has a sub-tropical climate, which means that they grow many of their crops during the summer season. Overall, there are a few cities that are hotter than all of the rest. Kuwait City, Karachi, and Ahvaz often reach the highest temperatures when compared to others. Particularly, in Kuwait City, the temperature might reach 44 degrees Celsius, which is equivalent to 111 degrees Fahrenheit. This is common during the summer months from June to August. This city, along with Karachi and Ahvaz, experiences more than a few negative effects from the hot weather. The citizens are prone to heatwaves and poor air circulation. In the summer season of 2017 in the United States, a few states had especially hot weather. These temperatures were between 119 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit or between 48 and 51 degrees Celsius. These specific temperatures were recorded in the southwest region, including California, Arizona, and Nevada. Arizona’s capital city, Phoenix, had reached the temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit three times in its history. The high temperatures proved to be deadly and even resulted in heat waves. Of course, this is not what summer looks like all around the globe. In New Zealand, there can sometimes be a lack of consistency when it comes to weather. New Zealand is located relatively close to Antarctica. Recently, in January of 2017, this country should have been experiencing its summer season. Instead, it was met with a â€Å"weather bomb† which led to flooding and snowing. This is not abnormal for the country, which is located in the southern hemisphere. They have endured extreme weather conditions prior to the 2017 weather bomb. Well, there are a lot of ways that summer can present itself throughout the world. There is not one correct route to describe summer because it can look different in each city or country. Some countries have mild summers, while others have very extreme ones. Even a country’s summer season timing can vary by its location in either the northern or southern hemisphere. References: Birch, H. (2015, July 22). Where is the worlds hottest city? Retrieved March 21, 2018, from Cheng, V., Ng, E., Chan, C., Givoni, B. (2011). Outdoor thermal comfort study in a sub-tropical climate: A longitudinal study based in Hong Kong. International Journal of Biometeorology, 56(1), 43-56. doi:10.1007/s00484-010-0396-z Press, A. (2017, June 21). Scorching summer temperatures bring worst heat to south-west US in years. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from Redd, N. T. (2015, June 19). Summer: The Warmest Season. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from Roy, E. A. (2017, January 23). New Zealand hit by weather bomb bringing summer snow and flooding. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from Staniforth, A., Thuburn, J. (2011). Horizontal grids for global weather and climate prediction models: A review. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138(662), 1-26. doi:10.1002/qj.958 Waliser, D. E., Moncrieff, M. W., Burridge, D., Fink, A. H., Gochis, D., Goswami, B. N., . . . Yuter, S. (2012). The â€Å"Year† of Tropical Convection (May 2008–April 2010): Climate Variability and Weather Highlights. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93(8), 1189-1218. doi:10.1175/2011bams3095.1 As an option, you can contact our writing service for hiring custom essay writers  who are experts in writing excellent geography essays and research papers.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Gio Ponti

During the twentieth century, the world of Italian design achieved their identity as the â€Å"design capital of the world†. The evolution of Italian design was equally impacted by the rise of Fascism between the World Wars, the emergence of new ideological approaches towards design, and technological advancements. However, no other element influenced Italy’s national identity more than the work of Gio Ponti. Furthermore, the increasing popularity of Modernism in today’s world has sparked a renewed interest in Ponti’s design ideology, as well as his works, both of which have adopted innovation and refinement. In order to understand Gio Ponti’s influence on Italian design, one must first understand the influence the world had on Ponti. A brief synopsis of his existence is necessary in order to reveal the elements, which ultimately determined his novel ideology towards design. Ponti’s service during WWI and his work with various design firms he worked with over the span of nearly six decades are obvious contributions. Meanwhile, one cannot overlook his work as an editor and educator, nor his participation in the Triennale Exhibitions, which not only influenced Ponti but the rest of the world as well. First, it is necessary to give due credit to, which provided all of the following biographical information pertaining to Gio Ponti. Gio Ponti was born in Milan on November 18, 1891 to Enrico Ponti and Giovanna Rigone. As Italy engaged in a war with Austria, Ponti was drafted into the army. By 1916, Ponti acquired the rank of captain, while he also received the Bronze Medal and Military Cross. During his tour in WWI, Ponti witnessed many examples of the classical architect, Andrea Palladio. His experience with Palladian architecture helped to initiate his earliest conceptions of design. After exiting the war, Ponti pursued a degree in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic and finally... Free Essays on Gio Ponti Free Essays on Gio Ponti During the twentieth century, the world of Italian design achieved their identity as the â€Å"design capital of the world†. The evolution of Italian design was equally impacted by the rise of Fascism between the World Wars, the emergence of new ideological approaches towards design, and technological advancements. However, no other element influenced Italy’s national identity more than the work of Gio Ponti. Furthermore, the increasing popularity of Modernism in today’s world has sparked a renewed interest in Ponti’s design ideology, as well as his works, both of which have adopted innovation and refinement. In order to understand Gio Ponti’s influence on Italian design, one must first understand the influence the world had on Ponti. A brief synopsis of his existence is necessary in order to reveal the elements, which ultimately determined his novel ideology towards design. Ponti’s service during WWI and his work with various design firms he worked with over the span of nearly six decades are obvious contributions. Meanwhile, one cannot overlook his work as an editor and educator, nor his participation in the Triennale Exhibitions, which not only influenced Ponti but the rest of the world as well. First, it is necessary to give due credit to, which provided all of the following biographical information pertaining to Gio Ponti. Gio Ponti was born in Milan on November 18, 1891 to Enrico Ponti and Giovanna Rigone. As Italy engaged in a war with Austria, Ponti was drafted into the army. By 1916, Ponti acquired the rank of captain, while he also received the Bronze Medal and Military Cross. During his tour in WWI, Ponti witnessed many examples of the classical architect, Andrea Palladio. His experience with Palladian architecture helped to initiate his earliest conceptions of design. After exiting the war, Ponti pursued a degree in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic and finally...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Project Closure and Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Closure and Assessment - Essay Example In an argument by Bartlett (2004), basing a project on financial estimates is disregarding the elasticity of the corporate market. If a project greatly involves construction operations, the procurement process should be well managed and developed. In construction, quality matters. If the quality assurance is not provided, the project prospects will not be achieved. Apart from the procurement process, the staff at large should be well placed to support the whole project. If need be, organizations are advised to outsource high risk operations. Outsourcing increases the expertise employed in the project and it shares the risk involved in the whole project. The paper will focus on the Woody project and how well it was managed. It will provide an insight into the procurement process in the project. The startup was poorly managed in this project. In appropriately managed startups, organizations usually have effective production processes. After every project the startup usually determines whether or not the project was successful. Managers and owners have the obligation to inspect the results of the outcomes to determine whether or not it is according to the specified plan. In words by Bartlett (2004), managers and owners of organizations provide the first determination on whether or not the project was successful. However, this is usually not an assurance of success. If the production process fails to kick off as expected, the project is viewed as failure. In the case of Woody, the owners of the building did not inspect the manner in which the construction was conducted. After this, the setting off of the production process was very poor. Every single operation was behind schedule as the effects affected the company’s consumer base. It was poor management in that the owners of the company did not come up with any completion procedure after a period of years. There was no plan whatsoever that was formulated to foresee the transition from the old operation syst em to the new one. If the project were properly managed, there would be a procedure for inspection of the building by the owners, acceptance of the new building, testing of the new machines and the launching of the production process. The result of this poor management was harsh. The usual maintenance process carried out after every two weeks did not take place in time. Consumer deliveries were delayed by a period of two weeks. Several contractors also canceled the contracts citing insecurity and exposure to high levels of risk. The sale of finished goods also declined significantly. After the period of two years it was clearly evident that the project was poorly managed. The results seen at the startup after the completion of the project were diminishing. According to Wirick (2011), the success of a project is measured by its ability to comfortably upgrade the production process. In the Woody project this is not evident. To worsen the situation, its normal production process was ne gatively affected. Looking at Woody two years ago, the production process was much better. The procurement process in the Woody project was also tampered with. This can be translated to supply of goods of low quality. Kerzner (2010) argues that the supply of goods during a project is also a key to its success. In a proper managed project the procurement process is easily monitored and certified. In Woody’s case, the payment made to suppliers was not effectively consulted. Paying for services in consideration of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Select one or more events to research and compare coverage of the Essay

Select one or more events to research and compare coverage of the event in a US news outlet and that of at least one other country - Essay Example In such a scenario what the media feeds the people plays a crucial role in their thinking and opinion. CNN a famous American based media channel reported about the issue. There is a difference between how the issue is portrayed by the media in Iran and America. The choice of words by CNN reporters portrays Iran as a rigid nation and is not cooperative when it comes to honoring the deal. The article states that Iran will only sign the deal ‘if sanction against Iran is lifted. On the other hand, a Middle East media channel known as The Jerusalem Post choice of words and style portrays America as untrustworthy and a dangerous nation when it comes to honoring deals. The article uses words such as ‘Iran not trusted to honor the deal by most in the US which portrays Americans as selfish and does not trust other people especially the Arabs easily. In both cases, it is clear that public relation technique is being applied. The agenda-setting theory is used in a case where the media manipulates how information is passed to the people in order to achieve an intended response. It is a common phenomenon in the democratic world today. Powerful politicians are who can pay more are portrayed as the most efficient politicians in comparison to other politicians. It all goes down to resources and political strategies applied (Carroll